Sunday, September 18, 2011

WEEK 37 (12/09/2011-16/09/2011)







Learning Area



Learning Objectives


7.1 Understanding heat as a form of energy



A student able to: 

  • state that the sun gives out heat,
  • state other sources of heat,
  • state that heat is a form of energy,
  • give examples of the uses of heat,
  • state the meaning of temperature,
  • state the difference between heat and temperature.

Previous knowledge


The heat have been introduced in primary science.

Key words


Energy, hot, temperature, the Sun, thermometer, heat

Scientific Skills


Observing, Communicating 

Thinking Skills


Attributing, Analyzing, Making inferences, Relating, Comparing and contrast



Having critical and analytical thinking





Science Textbook Volume 2 , SPS Book




Induction Set [ minutes]

Teacher introduces the vocabulary involve in the topic.


Step 1 [ minutes]

Students read passages in textbook


Step 2 [ minutes]

Teacher leads discussion on the topics:

i] What is heat?

ii] State that the sun gives out heat,

iii] State other sources of heat,

iv] State that heat is a form of energy,

v] Give examples of the uses of heat,


Step 3 [ minutes]

i] State the meaning of temperature,

ii] State the difference between heat and temperature.


Step 4 [ minutes]

Students do exercise taken from a reference book.



Teacher summarize the whole topic.


HHeat is energy that makes an object hot

A a.The Sun is the primary source of heat energy.
b. Heat can be used to do work.
c. Heat energy is also called as thermal energy.
d. Heat can be produced in various ways from different forms of energy


i .All forms of burning

ii. All hot objects

iii. Friction

iv. Electricity

v. Chemical reaction


Uses of heat in our daily life

  1. to cook food and boil water for drinking
  2. to dry clothes and hair
  3. to drive steam generators that produce electricity


uses of heat energy in our daily life

  1. to evaporate sea water to produce salt and to dry tea leaves
  2. to warm our body during cold weather
  3. to sterilise instruments.






Form 1C/1M

Attendance :  

Venue : Makmal C

Date : 12 – 09 – 11

Day : Monday

Time : 1400-1510/4.00-5.10

Week :  

Almost 80% of students were able to understand what is heat about and the

different between heat and temperature.




Lesson completed


Lesson incomplete due to:






1 comment:

wan sulaiman said...

RPH minggu ke 37 ada disediakan. tahniah. Tetapi untuk minggu ke 36 juga perlu diterbitkan dan kemaskinikan RPH cikgu. Tkasih